
Themed Trail "Flirsch on old views"


The title Roman Road is somewhat misleading. The road over the Arlberg was, in fact, quite insignificant in Roman times. It gained greater importance in the late Middle Ages, as a link to the Lake Constance region. It was a dangerous mountain pass until 1782-84, when Emperor Josef II expanded the route considerably. A regular postal service between Landeck and Nasserein (= St. Anton am Arlberg) was introduced at the end of the 18th Century. Flirsch received its own post station, where horses could be changed.


This chapel dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua was built in 1718, thanks to the charitable foundation established by brothers Anton and Mathies Mungenast from Schnann. The latter was a great patron of this town: in 1726, he laid the cornerstone for educating local youngsters by establishing a foundation of 200 Rhenish guilders – almost 50 years before beneficial reforms were introduced by Empress Maria Theresia. He made one stipulation, however, that the „School Master“ must go on a pilgrimage with the school children to Antonius Chapel three times every year.

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