The Arlberg is famous for its varied flora. Participants in a high-alpine flower hike will discover many new kinds of flowers which do not grow in the valley, but only above an altitude of 2,000 metres.
Field path to Nasserein - on the forest path to Putzenalpe - descent to St. Jakob - Jakobusweg - St. Anton (walking time appr. 5 hours)
High-alpine flower hike, especially beautiful in August - to the Kapall high-altitude path - Leutkircher Hut (2,261 m) - from there on to Kaiserjochhaus - descent to Pettneu via Nessleralm (walking time appr. 10 hours). Alpine experience required!
Types of flowers to be found in our area: different kinds of gentian, appr. 25 kinds of orchids (traunsteinera globosa, nigritelle nigra, lady`s slipper), arnica, daffodils, different types of anemones, rampion, hieracium pilosella (on the Arlberg: most wide-spread occurrence in Europe), orange lilies, Turk’s-cap lilies, campanula thyroidea, alpine roses. New flowers come up every week.
Brochure with flowers (PDF-Download):