
ARLBERG Giro - 1st August 2021

St. Anton – Arlbergpass – Bludenz – Montafon – Silvretta – Paznauntal – St. Anton

150 km - 2,500 metres in altitude difference

Biking At Its Best! The 'cradle of alpine skiing' is also an attraction in summer. Cycling fans in particular swarm to St. Anton am Arlberg from near and far. Because surrounded by the magnificent mountain scenery and unspoilt nature of St. Anton am Arlberg lie picture perfect areas for mountain bikers and the ideal point of departure for several racing bike tours.

ARLBERG Giro 2021

For the hardcore. 150 kilometres long with a gruelling ascent of 2,500 metres in altitude – just the basic details of the ARLBERG Giro on 1st of August make one thing unmistakably clear: Whoever competes in this race has to fight like a pro. Participants need courage, strength and an iron will to overcome this route from St. Anton over the Arlberg Pass, through Bludenz, Montafon, Silvretta, Paznauntal Valley and back to St. Anton.

All guests staying over the Arlberg Giro weekend in the Holiday Region St. Anton am Arlberg, are entitled to a price reduction on their entry fee and will only pay € 53.

Professional Criterion

Spectators who find the 7 a.m. start of the race in St. Anton’s pedestrian zone a little too early, can sample a competition atmosphere on the eve of the race: when top-notch pros race 30 laps through the narrow streets of St. Anton during the “International Cycle Criterion”. Spectators can literally feel the tension in the air - this professional criterion is one of the fastest in Austria and attracts top names from the world of cycling to St. Anton am Arlberg every year.

The Professional Criterion 2021