
Line Dance Festival - September 2020

*** Event cancelled until further notice. ***

From 11 to 13 September 2020, St. Anton am Arlberg will turn for the fifth time into a large dance floor for Line Dancer. Dance enthusiasts from near and far prove their sense of rhythm with their stirring sounds and celebrate together what makes the line dance special: pure joy of life.

It´s time for the Line Dance Festival when good-humored people with cowboy hats and Western boots shape the townscape of St. Anton am Arlberg for a weekend. The well-known Festival will run from Friday, September 11 to Sunday, September 13, 2020. The participants do not have to strive for a fixed dance partner, because the line dance lives on its reputation as a group dance in lines next to and behind each other. The musical repertoire ranges from country to pop to rock'n'roll. "Line dance knows no age limit and connects people all over the world," explains Joe Thöni of the association Linedance Landeck, who set up the event together with the Tourist Board St. Anton am Arlberg. "We would like to invite all Line Dance fans whether they are 5 or 85 years old - and those who want to experience the unique atmosphere in St. Anton am Arlberg," says the initiator.


The maximum number of 900 participants has already been reached. Please contact us if we are allowed to put you on the waiting list or register yourself if you still want to visit the Line Dance Festival 2020. Thank you.

Registration for visitors


St. Anton am Arlberg Tourism Association
+43 5446 2269-0